download free php script on phpjunkyard


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as a webmaster, you are used to create a program php and mysql database. I think it is easy for webmaster. But sometimes webmaster can feeling lazy or maybe webmasterdo not have time to write a php program by himself. The solution for this problem is you are can looking for free php scripts on the Internet. By searching and downloading on the internet, you save time to make your own php programs. You can use to download free php scripts

phpjunkyard founded in july 2004 and has provided a lot of free php scripts that can be downloaded by webmaster from around the world. There you can download many free free php scripts, such as guestbook script, php hosting, php click counter, link manager php, message board, random images and help desk software. The most popular php scripts in phpjunkyard is GBook (guestbook), CCount (click counter), LinkMan (reciprocal links manager) and Hesk (Help desk software) scripts. And all of them  can be downloaded for free.

GBook doesn’t require a MySQL database to run. It will process emoticons (smileys), send you an e-mail notification when someone signs your guestbook, you can delete inappropriate messages, manually approve new posts, limit the length of comments, the number of emoticons per post and more. Visitors can even post private guestbook messages that only you can read! This guestbook comes with IP banning, valid XHTML code, a bad words filter that replaces nasty words with * * * and a security switch that prevents flooding (submitting the same message over and over again)!

In addition to providing free php scripts, also provides tutorials and articles related to the web. There is also a resource to other useful resources for webmasters php. On this resource page, there are some php books useful. Or if you want to get php hosting you can see it on the menu php hosting.

So, if you are the webmaster php, it never hurts to visit the

2 thoughts on “download free php script on phpjunkyard”

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